
Collage can be used as an activity to introduce colour groups. Students have most likely used the aspect collage in several areas of their lives.  Collages are often seen on bedroom walls and on binder covers, and can be used in complex artwork (creating a larger image from several separate smaller ones).


Magazines, scissors, glue, and a large poster board


1) Divide the class into different colour groups (for example: blindly picking coloured balls from a bag)
2) Provide each colour group with a variety of magazines to cut and tear from, as well as scissors, glue, and a poster board
3) Instruct students to tear or cut small squares (approximately one square inch- but variety is always good) of their specific colour from pictures in the magazine (encourage a limited use of pictures with text)
4) Have students arrange their squares according to different hues
5) Choose a theme (for example: the theme for the above photo was ocean) and instruct students to create an image of the theme by glueing their squares on to the poster board
6) Display completed student artwork!
*Additional activity: Have the class create of story for the images on display

Technical terms and definitions:

Collage: A work of visual art made from an assemblage of different forms thus creating a new whole
Hue: One of the main properties of colour; generally referred to the "lightness" or "darkness" of a particular colour