
A wonderful thematic art project! This activity can easily be used from Kindergarten to Grade 7, and is best used prior to Remembrance Day.  Poppies grew in Flanders Fields where perished soldiers were buried after World War I. This activity can be introduced with a discussion on peace, World Wars, poppies, and memories, or anything related that is deemed appropriate by the teacher. 


Poppy cut outs (prepared by instructor or students depending on age and grade level), red, orange, yellow and black tissue squares, glue, modge-podge, and scissors


1) Provide students with a model poppy (depending on level)
2) Have students glue coloured tissue squares to their poppy cut-out, either through replicating given model or through their own representation of a poppy
3) Have students (or teacher) apply a protective coating of modge-podge to the completed poppies
4) Once the poppies have dried, trim and cut the poppy as desired